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Don't miss out! It's like a $500 Christmas gift from Fortis!

Get a pre qualification code from Fortis before December 31, 2017 if you are thinking of replacing your furnace in the next 6 months! Claim your code and have a qualifying new furnace or boiler installed within the next 6 months and you could receive a $500 rebate. You are under no obligation to use your code, but if you are considering a new furnace you'll be glad you claimed one!

Replace your old furnace or boiler with an eligible ENERGY STAR® or equivalent model that’s 95 per cent efficient or higher for furnaces, and 94 per cent efficient or higher for boilers, and you could receive a $500 rebate.

Note: you must pre-qualify for your rebate by December 31, 2017.

Eligibility requirements:

You must be a FortisBC residential natural gas customer, with natural gas as your primary source of heat.

  1. Your existing furnace or boiler must be at least 10 years old and must not require repairs in excess of $1,000 (pre-tax, including parts and labour).

  2. You must install an eligible ENERGY STAR or equivalent furnace or boiler with a two-pipe direct vent system (to be verified by submitting a photograph as part of your application).

  3. You must have a valid pre-qualification code before applying for your rebate. Codes are available until December 31, 2017, or while quantities last.

  4. You must have purchased, installed and paid in full for your furnace or boiler within six months of receiving your pre-qualification code.

Click here for full details and here for your pre-qualification code.

Holiday Business Hours - We have 24 Hour Emergency service over the holidays so give us a call if you need us at (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668.

Monday Dec 25th - Emergency Service

Tuesday Dec 26th - Emergency Service

Wednesday Dec 27th - Regular Business Hours

Thursday Dec 28th - Regular Business Hours

Friday Dec 29th - Regular Business Hours until noon

Monday January 1st - Emergency Service

Tuesday January 2nd - Resume Regular Business Hours

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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Monthly Payments Available! 

FINANCEIT is the fast, flexible, easy way to pay for your heating, cooling, and indoor quality needs without having to wait.  It's the consumer-friendly financial program endorsed by your local dealer.  Simply click the apply now button and complete our secure credit application. With FINANCEIT, credit decisions take just minutes! 

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